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Time left until the Olympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026

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Time left until the Paralympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026

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Val di Fiemme & Val di Cembra
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in Val di Fiemme & Val di cembra

You do not expect to be able to immerse yourself in the breathtaking Dolomite “World Heritage Site” landscapes... without having to suffer along winding mountain climbs. 
Yet, you can reach Fiemme easily. At twenty kilometres from Ora-Egna exit of Brennero motorway, you are surrounded by views of rare beauty.
Moreover, during the winter season, the special offer Ski Safari Fiemme-Obereggen includes transfers from and to the airports of Verona, Bergamo, Treviso and Venice.
You can drive along two roads to cover the entire Val di Fiemme. While the road Statale delle Dolomiti enters the village of Cavalese and, immediately after, reaches all the other villages, the fastest straight road at the bottom of the valley follows the water stream Avisio, that you can leave to enter all villages. 


Information at:

Fiemme Reservation Travel Agency
Incoming - Outgoing | Tel +39 0462.341463 | agenzia@visitfiemme.it

Val di Fiemme Tourist Board Office
Tel +39 0462.241111 | info@visitfiemme.it 

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