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Christmas Cribs in the forest

Ziano di Fiemme
v hodinách
in km
Navrhované období
Original and unexpected walk in the woods near the hamlet of Zanolin, along which bizarre cribs of large and small dimensions, classic and original, are set up. A winter magic that combines tradition and nature thanks to the creative flair and enthusiasm of those who set up, combined with an exceptional location. Here you walk in silence, observed only by the snow-laden trees.

The idea was born in the winter of 2011/2012 with the anonymous installation of a curious nativity scene in the woods overlooking the small town of Zanolin. The following year the initiative expands and involves the inhabitants of the hamlet and the village in an ever wider way. The route finds its definitive and current development along the paths of the Cavelonte woods and the number of cribs increases with each edition. All the works are characterized by the maximum freedom of preparation, not necessarily according to the classical schemes of the nativity, but leaving the field free for the imagination and interpretation of any symbol that recalls Christmas.

The result is a real open-air exhibition, with the special participation of children from the nursery and primary schools of Ziano di Fiemme.

Each edition brings with it some novelties: a new corner of the forest transformed into a hut of roots and branches, a row of trees studded with stars, small miniature gems hanging from the branches or real art installations that merge and blend with the nature. While visiting the path every year, you can never predict where the next nativity scene is hiding!

Další informace a užitečné odkazy
Údaje o trase
1,5 km
45 min
Do kopce
80 m
80 m
Fyzický stav
Nejvyšší bod
1.036 m
Nejnižší bod
954 m
Autorův tip

The nativity at the start of the path near the fountain is very particular: it consists of various figures made by different people, and represents the spirit of the Nativity Scenes in the Wood: a collective initiative that, with imagination and creativity, gives life to this "winter magic", with works of all kinds, the result of laborious projects or simple ideas, each one special in its own way.

The route remains set up throughout the winter, thus providing the perfect opportunity to walk on an otherwise little-known itinerary.

Bezpečnostní pokyny

At the beginning of the route you will find all the useful information for the walk, the stroller is not recommended.

Experience walking along irregular mountain trails is recommended. It may happen that the path is not clear form snow. In the event of fresh snow, microspikes are recommended. Be careful of ice when temperatures are particularly low.

Výchozí bod
Zanolin (Ziano di Fiemme)

The starting point of the route is the small square of Zanolin (Ziano di Fiemme) near the fountain, from here you go up towards Cavelonte following the road, initially asphalted and then dirt. At the first fork, leave the main road to take the path on the left that goes into the woods. Along the walk there are comet stars that indicate the path, while each nativity scene is instead marked with a sheep.

The loop tour returns to the starting point.

veřejná doprava
The Trentino Trasporti public buses and the skibus stop in the village of Ziano di Fiemme.
Jak dojechać

For those arriving from the SS 48, from the church square take Via Roma and cross the bridge over the Avisio. At the roundabout take the second street on the right (Via Zanolin) or the third (Via Bosin).

For those arriving from the SP 232, take the exit for Ziano di Fiemme and continue along Via Stazione. At the roundabout, take the first or second street on the right.

Kde zaparkovat
In Zanolin there is a small parking lot just before the start of the route. Alternatively, there are two other large car parks, one in Via Bosin, in front of the fire station (3 minutes from the starting point), the other in Via Stazione, in front of the sports field (5 minutes from the starting point).
Hiking boots and warm clothes.
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