
Lagorai Trekking - Stage 1

Castello-Molina di Fiemme, Cavalese, Tesero
Czas przejścia
w godzinach
in km
Sugerowany okres

Translagorai is the name of this 4-days trekking on the Lagorai Mountain Range, in the east side of the Dolomites.

It's a beautiful trekking for people who love adventure, loneliness, romantic landscape and wild nature.

Dalsze informacje i przydatne linki
Dane trasy
12,6 km
Czas przejścia
7 h 00 min
Pod górę
1.000 m
620 m
Umiejętności techniczne
Stan fizyczny
Najwyższy punkt
2.436 m
Najniższy punkt
2.032 m
Wytyczne dotyczące bezpieczeństwa


  1. Prepare your itinerary beforehand
  2. Choose an itinerary that suits your physical abilities
  3. Choose suitable clothes and equipment
  4. Check the weather forecast
  5. Hiking by yourself is more risky; if this is the case, take a mobile phone with you
  6. Leave information about your itinerary and your expected return time
  7. If you are not sure about your itinerary, contact an Alpine Guide
  8. Pay attention to signposts and directions that you find along your way
  9. Do not hesitate in going back if you feel too tired
  10. In case of emergency call 112

Please note that the practicability of the itineraries in a mountain environment is strictly linked to the contingent conditions and is therefore influenced by natural phenomena, environmental changes and weather conditions. For this reason, the information contained in this page may have changed. Before leaving for a tour, make sure the path you will approach is still accessible by contacting the owner of the mountain hut, the alpine guides or the visitor centres of the nature parks, the info offices of the local tourist board.

Punkt początkowy
Passo Manghen
Wskazówki dojazdu

Departure from Passo Manghen (2,047 metres a.s.l.).

Take the mountain trail nr. 322 that leads to Forcella del Frate (2,228 m) and follow it along the mountainside, walking past Forcella Ziolera (2,232 m) and Forcella Pala del Becco (2,245 m), then make your way down along track nr. 322/B to Lake Montalon.

Here change to trail nr. 362 and climb up to Forcella di Montalon (2,133 m) where you can take path nr. 322 that runs above Lake Stellune and then nr. 317 to finally reach Forcella Valmoena (2,294 m).

Drinking water available above Lake Stellune.

From Forcella Valmoena follow path nr. 321 that leads to Forcella La Busa della Neve (2,367 m), then keep to the same track past Forcella Buse dall’Or (2,468 m) and finally reach Forcella Lagorai (2,372 m).

Here you can either plant your tent for the night or descend to the Lagorai lakes, following trail nr. 316, where you can stock up on more water.

The only refreshment point is at the start of the trek (Passo Manghen mountain hut).

Jak dojechać
Departure point Passo Manghen is only reachable by own means of transport or taxi.

From Molina di Fiemme drive on the road SP 31 for 15 km until you reach Passo Manghen.

Gdzie zaparkować
Some parking areas near the mountain hut and on the pass.
Hiking gear, food, tent and sleeping bag.
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Przyzwoity 520 m
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Czas przejścia 5 h 00 min
Pod górę 600 m
Przyzwoity 1.250 m
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Pod górę 1.000 m
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