Must- see places

The spectacular Val di Cembra is situated in Trentino and is characterized by the uncontaminated nature and by terraced vineyards that are delimited and supported by more than 708 km of dry stone walls. It offers a fascinating combination between the natural beauties and cultural traditions. The valley is known for its production of fine wines, the popular Müller Thurgau in particular. The favorable climate and the fertile soil contribute to the cultivation of high quality grapes, utilized to produce fine and renowned wines.

The valley is characterized by hamlets and villages, all with their unique history and charm. The ideal place if you want to explore an authentic territory.

  • Albiano (Barco di Sopra, Barco di Sotto)
  • Altavalle (Faver, Grauno, Grumes, Ponciach, Valda)
  • Cembra-Lisignago (Cembra, Fadana, Lisignago)
  • Giovo (Verla, Ceola, Masen, Mosana, Palù, Serci, Valternigo, Ville)
  • Lona-Lases (Casara, Lases, Lona, Piazzole, Sottolona)
  • Sover (Facendi, Montalto, Montesover, Piazzoli, Piscine, Settefontane, Slosseri, Sveseri)
  • Segonzano (Scancio, Caloneghi, Casal, Gaggio, Gresta, Luch, Parlo, Piazzo, Prà, Quaras, Sabion, Saletto, Sevignano, Stedro, Teaio, Valcava)

Lovers of hiking and nature? Enjoy the variety of panoramic trails in the vineyards, in the woods and in the surrounding mountains, and the different adventures and opportunities you can have to have fun and relax.

Translated by the students of the third year of the Language School 'La Rosa Bianca' of Cavalese.

The terraced vineyards of Val di Cembra

Val di Cembra, carved by the Avisio stream, is like a long strip of land, full of fruit trees, woods and terraced vineyards supported by dry stone walls.

This territory is a member of “Alleanza Mondiale dei paesaggi terrazzati” ("World Alliance of terraced landscapes”). Since 2018 it has been an Unesco intangible heritage for the art of dry stone walls, recognition awarded by 8 European countries (Italy, Cyprus, Croatia, France, Greece, Slovenia, Spain and Switzerland). Lastly, Val di Cembra was recently nominated “Paesaggio Rurale Storico d’Italia” (“Italian Historical Rural Landscape”) by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Resources.

On the 10th October 2020, the decree by Minister Bellanova sanctioning the integration of the terraced viticulture of the Cembra Valley in the Italian Register of Historic Rural Landscapes was signed. An important result of a work started in 2011 that brought to the foundation of Comitato VIVACE in 2019 (acronym for Viticultura Val di Cembra), made up of public bodies from the representatives of the productive realities and the local associations with the aim of promoting the territory. One of their next goals is also the GIAHS recognition (Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System, promoted by FAO), in order to certify the territorial value worldwide.

The “Osservatorio Nazionale del Paesaggio Rurale Storico” (Italian Observatory of the rural, historical landscape) talks about Val di Cembra in the dossier published by the Ministry: “The Landscape of the Val di Cembra covers an area of 2,243 hectares, of which 30% is used for terraced viticulture. The history of the Val di Cembra begins in prehistoric times but it is from the medieval period that the local economy begins to be based on winemaking with the remodelling of the mountain slopes for agricultural purposes. Thanks to the particular vocation of the area to the cultivation of vines, it has been possible over the centuries to create a deep-rooted wine culture that still guarantees the production of high quality wines while maintaining the characteristics of the historical landscape. The presence of the historic caves of precious red porphyry has contributed to reducing migratory phenomena, giving a lot of labour since the second half of the 20th century; this has ensured the maintenance of the traditional oenologic activity which is now a fundamental part of the working activity and of the local culture and identity of the population”.

This first recognition brings Val di Cembra to be officially one of the most characteristic agricultural production systems of our country.

Translated by the students of the third year of the Language School 'La Rosa Bianca' of Cavalese.

our tips
The Roccolo del Sauch
pomnik przyrody
Lases Lake
Lake Santo
jezioro do kąpieli
The earth Pyramids of Segonzano
pomnik przyrody
Chiesa di San Leonardo
churches and historical buildings
Chiesa di San Pietro
churches and historical buildings
Segonzano's Castle
Wineries and distilleries
Museums and Castles
in Val di Cembra