
From Passo Lavazè to Malga Costa

Tesero, Ville di Fiemme
Czas przejścia
w godzinach
in km
Sugerowany okres

Walk in the magical winter landscape of the Lavazè plateau.

Malga Costa invites to a beautiful winter hike through the woods, surrounded by the silent winter atmosphere. We are on the Lavazè plateau, the cross-country ski mecca. Along the way you will surely see several cross-country skiers whizzing on perfectly groomed tracks. The mountain hut is located on a sunny hill that offers an enchanting view of the Latemar and the Catinaccio/Rosengarten Dolomite peaks.

Dalsze informacje i przydatne linki

APT Val di Fiemme - Tel. +39 0462 241111 - -     

Lavazè Spettacolo della Natura - Tel. + 39 0462 230447 - -  

Dane trasy
5,2 km
Czas przejścia
2 h 00 min
Pod górę
80 m
80 m
Umiejętności techniczne
Stan fizyczny
Najwyższy punkt
1.806 m
Najniższy punkt
1.728 m
Wskazówka autora

The typical dishes of the hut and the exquisite desserts will give you the recharge for the walk back to Lavazè Pass.

Wytyczne dotyczące bezpieczeństwa

Experience walking along irregular mountain trails is recommended. It may happen that the path is not clear form snow. In the event of fresh snow, microspikes are recommended. Be careful of ice when temperatures are particularly low.

Please note that the practicability of the itineraries in a mountain environment is strictly linked to the contingent conditions and is therefore influenced by natural phenomena, environmental changes and weather conditions. For this reason, the information contained in this page may have changed. Before leaving for a tour, make sure the path you will approach is still accessible by contacting the owner of the mountain hut, the alpine guides or the visitor centres of the nature parks, the info offices of the local tourist board.

Punkt początkowy
Passo Lavazè
Wskazówki dojazdu

The well-signposted route begins at the end of the square of the Sporthotel Lavazè, where one of the entrances to the Cross-Country Center is also located. 

Attention, the route crosses the cross-country tracks three times: it is mandatory to give priority to cross-country skiers and it is advisable to cross at a fast pace.

The path goes on a slightly downhill forest road and then into the wood that bears the traces of the passage of the Vaia storm (October 2018), with flat sections up to the Malga. Malga Costa is open to the public.

Way back on the same itinerary.

transport publiczny
The skibus connects the villages of Tesero and Cavalese with Passo Lavazè.
Jak dojechać
From Cavalese drive first to the village of Varena and then continue util you reach Passo Lavazè. From Predazzo drive first to the village of Tesero. 
Gdzie zaparkować
Several car parks at Passo Lavazè, near the hotels or in the direction of Val d'Ega.

Hiking shoes, hiking poles and warm winter clothes.

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