
Comoda passeggiata da Ponciach alla vecchia cava dei Gravoni

Faver, Grauno, Grumes, Valda
Czas przejścia
w godzinach
in km
Sugerowany okres
An easy walk into the woods from the hamlet Ponciach to the old quarry Gravoni of Faver.
Starting from the basin of lawns in Ponciach this itinerary goes on the south-western slopes of the mountain Monte Castion and after passing through beech and Scots pine woods ends at a steep porphyry stone landslide named I Gravoni. There was a porphyry stone quarry here on time, which has been abandoned since a few years. Among the rocks sometimes you can still see some pieces of iron: parts of machines and carriages used for the carved stones transportation. From here you can enjoy a wonderful landscape on the valley Valle di Cembra.
Dalsze informacje i przydatne linki

Rete di Riserve Alta Val di Cembra-Avisio


Visit Trentino




Dane trasy
3,3 km
Czas przejścia
1 h 30 min
Pod górę
150 m
73 m
Stan fizyczny
Najwyższy punkt
1.072 m
Najniższy punkt
1.011 m
Wskazówka autora

This itinerary is short and appropriate for an afternoon walk from spring to autumn with a final stop to watch the landscape having a snack on a big porphyry stone.

This trail is appropriate to combine the walk together with some Nordic Walking practice.

Wytyczne dotyczące bezpieczeństwa

Even if this trail is not technically difficult and has no dangerous stretches, we always and in any case suggest to follow the general rules on safety for mountain hikes.

  • Prepare your itinerary
  • Choose an excursion appropriate for your real ability and training level
  • Choose the fitting equipment
  • Check the weather forecast
  • Hiking alone is risky
  • Give details about your itinerary and about the approximate hour of your return
  • Do not hesitate to entrust you to an expert
  • Pay attention to the indication and signals you will find along your journey
  • Do not hesitate to retrace your steps
  • In case of accident: ask for help and call the number 112
Punkt początkowy
Ponciach (Faver-Altavalle)
Wskazówki dojazdu
From the parking place on the side of the little lakes at the entrance of the hamlet Ponciach climb the hill to reach a small church and enjoy the view on the valley and the peaks of the mountain range Lagorai. Go on the path crossing this small hill going down on the opposite side of the church. Take the first road on the right going slightly downhill then the forest road on the left going flat into the wood going straight ahead to reach the quarry I Gravoni where the road ends. The way back is the same as the way to.
Jak dojechać

To drive here from Trento, you need to follow the main road S.S. 612 north to Faver. At the entrance of the town follow the signs toward Ponciach which is 3,5 km away from there.

To drive here from the valley Val di Fiemme, you need to follow the main road S.S. 612 to Faver. Pass the tunnel and at roundabout drive back to the town. At the entrance of the town follow the signs toward Ponciach which is 3,5 km away from there.

Gdzie zaparkować
Parking place at the entrance of the hamlet Ponciach close to the two little lakes.

Trekking shoes or mountain boots

Trekking poles

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