
Il paese fantasma di Ischiazza

Capriana, Valfloriana
Czas przejścia
w godzinach
in km
Sugerowany okres

This small abandoned village on the banks of the Avisio stream speaks volumes of a world which is no more

Ischiazza village is on the Avisio, along a farmed flood plain around 700 metres down the valley from the Stramentizzo dam. In 1966 forty-four people lived there. During the devastating flood which hit the town of Valfloriana, incessant rain caused a great many landslides and rivers of mud invaded the town. The same fate awaited Maso village a few km further down the valley.

The inhabitants of Ischiazza succeeded in getting to safety in higher villages and, when the flood had subsided, they returned to their almost entirely destroyed village to see what could be salvaged. On 20 November 1966 the survivors carried their Christ and sacred artefacts from the church along the mule track to the village of Casatta above, making Ischiazza’s demise official.

This route starts from Pradel village on the attractive cobbled mule track which descends gently in the direction of Ischiazza, with the Avisio stream visible through the trees below. Just before you get to the ghost town you come across the ruins of an unusual building to the left of the road. It was an oven used to dry corn. All that remains of Ischiazza now is ruins with the church recognisable, a few large agricultural buildings and an old stone fountain sticking up out of the ground.

A one kilometre long straightforward footpath crosses through the town and continues down along the Avisio stream, with beautiful views. Retrace your steps to your starting point

Dane trasy
4,7 km
Czas przejścia
2 h 00 min
Pod górę
150 m
150 m
Stan fizyczny
Najwyższy punkt
868 m
Najniższy punkt
698 m
Wytyczne dotyczące bezpieczeństwa

Even if this trail is not technically difficult and has no dangerous stretches, we always and in any case suggest to follow the general rules on safety for mountain hikes. 

  • Prepare your itinerary
  • Choose an excursion appropriate for your real ability and training level
  • Choose the fitting equipment
  • Check the weather forecast
  • Hiking alone is risky
  • Give details about your itinerary and about the approximate hour of your return
  • Do not hesitate to entrust you to an expert
  • Pay attention to the indication and signals you will find along your journey
  • Do not hesitate to retrace your steps
  • In case of accident: ask for help and call the number 112
Punkt początkowy
Pradel (Valfloriana)
Gdzie zaparkować

Parking along the SP 71 near Pradel

  •  Trekking shoes or mountain boots
  • Trekking poles
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