
Latemar Tour - Tour 930

Tesero, Predazzo
Czas przejścia
w godzinach
in km
Sugerowany okres

A perfect itinerary, full of evocative views of the Latemar and Catinaccio Dolomites. The stop at the crystal clear Lake Carezza, a pearl set among fir woods, is truly memorable.

The great advantage of this fabulous itinerary is given by the fact that the lifts allow you to overcome most of the difference in altitude. The route winds its way through alpine pastures and pretty wooden huts, lush meadows and forests, in front of imposing Dolomite walls. You will also cross wide open spaces, evidence of the Vaia Storm of October 2018. The route partially crosses the province of Bolzano’s territory, where the signs are marked Latemar Ronda and the number of the tour is 354.

Dalsze informacje i przydatne linki


APT Val di Fiemme - Tel. +39 0462 241111  -   

Latemar MontagnAnimata - Tel. +39 0462 884400 - 

Dane trasy
37,2 km
Czas przejścia
4 h 30 min
Pod górę
1.403 m
1.480 m
Stan fizyczny
Najwyższy punkt
2.169 m
Najniższy punkt
1.040 m
Wskazówka autora

Also suitable for E-MTB. Transport of bicycles on cablecar + chairlift € 6,00.

Wytyczne dotyczące bezpieczeństwa


Along all routes, always pay attention to other people and vehicles coming from both directions. MTB routes are not for bikers only. When riding on streets, bikers have to respect the traffic code just like drivers. After windstorm Vaia in October 2018, forest roads are used also by heavy vehicles to transport wood.  


  1. Plan your ride
  2. Share the trail with other users
  3. Yield right of way to hikers
  4. Let your speed be determined by your experience
  5. Ride slowly on crowded trails, overtake with politeness and respect
  6. Cycle only on authorized and open trails
  7. Avoid muddy trails in order not to damage them further
  8. Respect nature, plants, animals and the trail
  9. Do not frighten animals
  10. Take your rubbish home with you
  11. Respect public and private property
  12. Always be selfsufficient
  13. Do not cycle solo in remote areas
  14. Take back home only good pics


Please note that the practicability of the itineraries in a mountain environment is strictly linked to the contingent conditions and is therefore influenced by natural phenomena, environmental changes and weather conditions. For this reason, the information contained in this page may have changed. Before leaving for a tour, make sure the path you will approach is still accessible by contacting the owner of the mountain hut, the alpine guides or the visitor centres of the nature parks, the info offices of the local tourist board.

Punkt początkowy
Predazzo - lifts Latemar
Wskazówki dojazdu

This loop ride around the Latemar massif boasts suggestive panoramas on the Dolomites.

The starting point is in Predazzo, where you can reach the Feudo pass taking the lifts (open from Mid-June to Mid-September).

From here, continue towards Obereggen on an alternately paved and unpaved road. Once in the area of Bewaller, a flat dirt road heads to the Carezza lake, a pearl nestled among fir trees, which reflects the Latemar peaks into its calm waters. From Lake Carezza a further 4 km of progressive ascent lead to Passo Costalunga.

After the pass, turn right towards Malga Secine and continue along the dirt road downhill until reaching the village of Moena. From here take the easy cycle path that soon leads you back to the Predazzo lift car park.


Along the forest road from Maso Bewaller to the Carezza Lake, you can find the signs of Latemar Ronda - 354; this tour alternative leads bikers to ride at the foot of the majestic Catinaccio. Find out more on 


transport publiczny

Possibility to reach the "Latemar 2200" lifts with the "Trentino Trasporti" buses that take you from Predazzo to Moena and Val di Fassa. The stop is at the departure of the lifts.

Jak dojechać

The starting point are the "Latemar 2200" lifts, located after Predazzo on the road leading to Moena. From here you can go up to the Feudo Pass using the cablecar and the chairlift, both equipped for the transport of mountain bikes.

Gdzie zaparkować

Several car parks are available at the departure of the lifts.

What do I need to bring on my bike tour? 

  1. An adequate water supply according to your needs (considering temperature, possibility of refuelling and duration of the route)
  2. Plenty of snacks (for example, dried fruit or energy bars)
  3. Waterproof / Windproof jacket.
  4. A spare top / spare socks. (Descending in a sweaty garment, will make you cold)
  5. Suncream
  6. Sunglasses
  7. Bike gloves/mitts
  8. Map or GPS device
  9. Bike repair kit for punctures and mechanical breakdowns
  10. First aid kit

It is always advised to let someone know where you plan to go and how long you expect to be.

Emergency telephone number 112

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